Athletic Offerings
激烈的竞争和苛刻的比赛时间表. 本课程只适用于五、六、七年级学生.
Boys Varsity Soccer
Competitive and extensive schedule including one tournament for Rumsey’s top soccer players. 一般为五、六、七年级男生(有限名单).
Boys Varsity B Soccer
A competitive team with an extensive schedule including one tournament. 强调基础知识. 一般用于V、VI和VII表格.
Girls Varsity Soccer
一个有竞争力的球队和比赛时间表与一个锦标赛. 面向有足球经验的女孩. 一般为五、六、七年级女生(有限名单).
A co-ed competitive program including one tournament for beginners as well as skilled players. Fundamentals stressed. 一般适用于三、四年级和部分五年级学生.
Junior Red Soccer (co-ed)
发展非竞争性项目,教授足球技巧. 红军和蓝军在同一个场地训练. 一般适用于中三及中四学生.
A co-ed competitive program with a competitive race schedule and a home invitational hosted by the Blue Dogs. 对IV, V, VI和VII表格开放
Varsity Field Hockey
A competitive game schedule for Rumsey’s top field hockey players. 强调基础知识和团队建设. 一般包括五年级、六年级和七年级的女生.
强调学习规则和基础知识. Only B Field Hockey players compete in contests throughout the season. 一般适用于三、四、五、六年级和一些七年级的女生.
Varsity Volleyball
A competitive schedule versus secondary school JV and IIIs teams and a home tournament hosted by the Blue Dogs. A superior program for accomplished players or girls wanting to excel at the game. 一般是五、六、七年级的女生.
Varsity B Volleyball
强调基础知识. Great feeder program for Varsity Volleyball with a competitive game schedule. 一般是四年级,五年级,六年级和一些七年级的女生.
Blue Dog Bikes (co-ed)
The mountain biking racing team will compete on Wednesdays throughout the fall with a championship race at the end of the season. 一般用于V、VI和VII表格. (Limited Roster).
骑马(男女同校 & Spring Terms
骑是在福克斯交叉马术,在莫里斯,CT有限责任公司提供. 这个程序是额外收费的. 所有级别的教学都是可用的. 面向四、五、六、七年级学生开放.
This program is for beginner and intermediate players who wish to learn the game of tennis and have fun playing each afternoon. 一般用于V、VI和VII表格.
Fall Play Set Design
学生们将聚集在一起,帮助将秋季戏剧带到生活中. They will design and craft backgrounds and flats to set the stage for the fall play. Not only will they master the art of prop creation and organization, but they will also showcase their graphic design skills by creating all the promotional materials. Those not in the spotlight as actors will have the opportunity to be invaluable stage crew members or sound and light technicians on the day of production.
低年级下午充实计划(男女同校)秋季,冬季 & Spring Terms
这个项目提供运动, arts, and academic offerings for Lower Schoolers daily from 3:15 - 4:15 p.m. 活动随季节变化.
Boys Varsity Ice Hockey
Highly competitive game schedule with two tournaments (one hosted by the Blue Dogs). 一个优秀的项目,为熟练的滑冰运动员. 每天推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的卢夫金溜冰场练习. 一般是五、六、七年级的男生.
竞技曲棍球和比赛时间表为先进的年轻滑冰运动员. 重点是基础和滑冰. 每天推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的卢夫金溜冰场练习. 一般是三、四、五、六年级和一些七年级的男生.
This program is for beginner hockey players who want to learn the game of hockey in a fun setting. This program divides skaters into small teams to play games throughout the seasons as well as learn all of the skills needed to advance to higher levels of ice hockey. 滑冰者在拉夫金溜冰场和拉姆齐池塘上滑冰. 开放推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜初学溜冰者在III - VII形式.
Girls Varsity Ice Hockey
Competitive hockey and game schedule for intermediate and advanced skaters which includes two tournaments (one hosted by the Blue Dogs). 每天推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜的卢夫金溜冰场练习. 一般适用于三、四、五、六、七年级的女生.
A program that practices each day and will compete in several games. This team is girls who are new to hockey, but have some skating experience. 一般为三到七年级的女运动员.
Boys Varsity Basketball
高级玩家的竞争时间表. 这支球队是拉姆齐最好的篮球运动员组成的. 一般为五、六、七年级男生(有限名单).
在赛程上有多场比赛和一场比赛的节目. 这个项目是为初学者和有经验的年轻球员. 一般是五、六、七年级的男生.
Boys Junior Basketball
竞技篮球项目有两个级别-蓝色和红色. Blues typically have more contests on their schedule than the Reds. 非常适合初学者和有经验的年轻球员. 一般是三、四、五年级的男生.
Girls Varsity Basketball
Competitive game schedule. 一个为想要学习并在比赛中脱颖而出的女孩开设的项目. 一般为五、六、七年级女生(有限名单).
强调学习规则和基础知识. 在时间表上有多个比赛的节目. 一般用于III, IV, V和VI表格
Girls Junior Volleyball
This program with a game schedule is for players who wish to fine tune their volleyball skills with instruction. 一般提供推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜三、四、五和一些六年级的女生.
Varsity Ski Team (co-ed)
A competitive program with daily skiing at nearby Mohawk Mountain in Cornwall CT. 并在该地区的各个山上比赛. 强调赛车技术. 拉姆齐是BHSL滑雪联盟的成员. Ski Program Forms (which will be available in November ) and payment must be in the office in advance of the Winter Term. There is an extra charge for a season pass and equipment rental, if needed.
开放推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜所有具有良好学术和社会地位的学生. 这是一个非竞争性的项目,强调趣味性. 有充足的监督和最高的指导. 这群人每天在康沃尔州的莫霍克山滑雪. 一般用于IV, V, VI和VII表格. Ski Program Forms (which will be available in November) and payment must be in the office in advance of the Winter Term. There is an extra charge for a season pass and equipment rental, if needed.
Winter Fitness (co-ed)
This program is for students who wish to workout in our weight room throughout the winter with a faculty member instructor. 一般只适用于表格六及表格七.
低年级下午充实计划(男女同校)秋季,冬季 & Spring Terms
这个项目提供运动, arts, and academic offerings for Lower Schoolers daily from 3:15 - 4:15 p.m. 活动随季节变化.
Boys Varsity Lacrosse
有竞争力的计划和时间表. 拉姆齐的顶级长曲棍球运动员在这项运动中表现出色. 一般是五、六、七年级的男生.
Boys Varsity B Lacrosse
A competitive program for beginners as well as skilled young players. 一般是针对三、四、五、六年级的男生.
Girls Varsity Lacrosse
A competitive program and game schedule with one tournament hosted by the Blue Dogs for Rumsey’s top female players and players with some experience. 一般适用于三、四、五、六、七年级的女生.
Girls Varsity B Lacrosse
This competitive program is designed to teach new players the game of lacrosse. Players will learn the fundamentals of the game to help them advance to a more competitive level in the future. 一般是三、四、五年级女生.
Varsity Baseball
竞赛项目和比赛日程. Games are played on regulation major league size baseball diamonds. 一般为五、六、七年级男生(有限名单).
Varsity B Baseball
A competitive program and game schedule that teaches fundamentals of the game. 一般是三、四、五、六年级和一些七年级的男生.
Varsity Softball
A competitive schedule played on a regulation field, with fast pitch rules. 这取决于团队的规模, there could be developmental players that practice with this program. 一般是四、五、六、七年级的女生.
Students are required to try out for this highly competitive team. The program with a challenging match schedule carries just 12 members due to limited court space. 一般在IV, V, VI和VII形式的优秀球员.
这个队需要选拔赛. Experience is expected - this is not a beginner level program and plays a competitive match schedule. 一般用于III、IV、V、VI和VII表格.
专为初中五、六、七年级学生设计. 还有和预科学校队员的比赛, and a Lower Boat Regatta is hosted by the Blue Dogs at Lake Waramaug. This program has expanded into a very competitive and exciting sport at Rumsey.
这个项目是为有球场经验的高尔夫球手准备的. Due to restrictions at the course, this roster is limited to 7 players. 一般为四至七年级学生.
这个项目是为刚接触长曲棍球的女孩准备的. This is a non-competitive team who learn the skills and rules of the game. 一般是三年级到六年级的学生.
Futures Crew (co-ed)
This program is for IV and V Formers who are interested in learning about Crew. 练习在弗朗西斯M. 瑞恩室内划船设施在坦克和坦克上.
拉姆齐户外探险(ROA)(男女混合)秋季 & Spring Terms
ROA offers students the opportunity for growth in leadership and outdoor skills while encouraging an appreciation and stewardship for our natural surroundings. 一些活动包括室内攀岩墙, canoeing, kayaking, hiking, mountain biking, and archery. 一般用于IV, V, VI和VII表格.
骑马(男女同校 & Spring Terms
骑是在福克斯交叉马术,在莫里斯,CT有限责任公司提供. 这个程序是额外收费的. 所有级别的教学都是可用的. 面向四、五、六、七年级学生开放
低年级下午充实计划(男女同校)秋季,冬季 & Spring Terms
这个项目提供运动, arts, and academic offerings for Lower Schoolers daily from 3:15 - 4:15 p.m. 活动随季节变化.
The sound of a bell ringing throughout campus means one of Rumsey’s athletic teams has won a competition!